Brymbo Steelworks
Remediation of industrial contamination from lead smelting, iron and steel making, coal mining, coke manufacture and waste disposal across 200 ha of land.
- Excavation, screening and re-profiling of 1.8 million cubic metres of industrial wastes and overburden.
- Removal of heavy concrete foundations, road tunnel, unstable slag banks, mine shafts and shallow workings.
- Disposal of 16,000 m3 of hydrocarbon-contaminated wastes.
- Creation of 25 ha of land for infrastructure, residential, community, commercial and industrial development.
- Release of residential development land for over 600 new homes, apartments and a school.
- Remediation of heritage areas and buildings, and creation of wildlife habitats and public open space.
- Containment engineering to hazardous waste landfill.
SGP environmental consultancy tasks
- desk study and intrusive site investigations including collection of over 500 samples
- quantitative environmental risk assessments and reviews throughout project
- remedial strategy and approval of soil and water targets
- approval of method statements for waste testing and reuse, water quality monitoring and assessment, dust and air quality monitoring, coke ovens remediation, and landfill gas monitoring
- environmental monitoring of mine drainage levels, surface waters, fugitive dust, noise, landfill gas by site chemist over 3 years
- acid mine drainage and slag bank leachate monitoring and design of water treatment
- slag stability assessment and waste testing for leachable substances validation testing and completion reports for 10 development modules
Key facts
- 1995 SGP investigations commenced
- 2001 Preparatory site works commenced
- 2003 Full site remediation commenced
- 2005 Principal remediation completion
- 2006 Housing construction commenced
Project cost - £18 million
Main development modules - Client / Contractor: Parkhill Estates / Brymbo Developments Ltd. Public sector areas – Brymbo Developments Ltd. contracted to Wrexham County Borough Council, funded by Welsh Development Agency land regeneration grant.